In this article you'll find information on how to perform the below things for already generated link,

  • How to modify destination url
  • How to change domain
  • How to update slug
  • How to add/remove tags

Update destination url

You can update your destination url of your existing short link at any time. From the main dashboard, click the edit button for the link you want to change the destination url.

Once inside detailed configuration page, click on Edit Short Link option

You can update the link present inside Original Url field and click Update.

Change domain

We also provide option to change the domain of your existing short link. The Domain field displays all the domains that are part of your account. By default the domain is common for all. Click update after choosing your preferred domain.

Important: If you update this, the old link which you might have shared already will stop working. Use this with caution.

Update Slug

You can change the slug by using the Slug field. You can only use (a-z, 0-9, -, _") for slug names. Slug name has to be unique for each domain.

Add / Remove tags

Tags are useful for grouping links. You can add tags by clicking the ADD TAG button. You can create a maximum of 3 tags for a link. You can remove a tag by clicking on the close button next to the tag.