Ctiny.io has launched an affiliate program to attract new customers and also to help people raise passive income through this. It is a win-win for both. Ctiny pays 30% of the plan price as reward for every successful conversion for 3yrs.

What does a successful conversion mean?

A conversion is considered successful when a user signs up with Ctiny with an affiliate code that is provided for each affiliates. When the signed up user upgrades to any of the paid plan and completes the billing cycle, the conversion is considered successful. The affiliate will be paid 30% of the plan price recurring until the user stays or for a period of 3yrs ( whichever comes first. )

Note: A minimum of $50 has to be accrued in order for payout. Ctiny leverages PayPal when issuing payouts. If you don't currently have a PayPal account, create one so that you can earn the commission. Make sure to read the privacy terms

Plan pricing

You can refer pricing of different plans here


Ctiny has partnered with Linkmink for the affiliate program. Tracking commission amount, leads, referrals and payout takes place using the Linkmink platform.

Joining the program

Joining the ctiny affiliate program is simple and straight forward. Follow the link to participate in the affiliate program.

Affiliate Program Link: https://app.linkmink.com/a/ctiny/911

  1. Signup with your email and password




        2. Provide your name and paypal account

       3. Get your affiliate link and start promoting. Track your referral, leads and commission